National Coming Out Day

Keith Haring - First National Coming Out Day Poster, 1988

The History

National Coming Out Day (NCOD) is an annual celebration that takes place on October 11th. It was originally celebrated in 1988 on the one year anniversary of the National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights in honor of the sexual-orientation and gender minority (SGM) community who decided to come out and live openly on that day. 

Why use SGM? Sexual-orientation and Gender Minority or SGM is an inclusive term that encompasses the plus of LGBTQIA+ and other variations of the acronym.


Coming out is a unique experience for each person. You often have to come out several times: to family, to friends, to co-workers, to classmates, etc. For some, coming out isn't a big deal. For others, the fear of discrimination, bullying, and judgement can be extremely real and debilitating. 

That is why a day like National Coming Out Day is needed. Talking about coming out and sharing stories can help to strengthen the community and provide people with the support they need to come out if they decide to do it. There are many reasons why someone might stay in the closet, but having a support system around can help people be brave enough to be their true authentic selves. 

Speaking of support systems... 

Come Out as an Ally

Knowing that you will be supported and accepted is a huge way to relieve the burden and stress of coming out. If you are an ally, this is where you come in. This National Coming Out Day, let everyone know that you support the community! 

Allies make up a large portion of the membership of the Lambda Alliance. Use National Coming Out Day not only to let everyone know you support the community, but as an opportunity to learn how you can create a safer and more welcoming environment for your SGM colleagues. 

resources for everyone

Zoom Filter

Click here to learn how to have a pride flag Zoom filter for National Coming Out Day. 


Follow the instructions here to update your pronouns on all lab-wide sites. 

UC policy

Familiarize yourself with UC's Anti-Discrimination policies


Redeem the Lambda Alliance ERG badge in Bucketlist

Note: Badges are added to profiles on Fridays. 

Give a colleague a shout out for exemplary demonstration of allyship.

Thinking of coming out?

Check out these resources from the Human Rights Campaign on coming out and living authenically.

You can also take a look at GLSEN's resources

Be a better ally

Want to be a better ally, but don't know how to start?  Check out the Human Rights Campaign's Being an LGBTQ Ally resources

these episodes of NPR's Life Kit

and/or the slideshow below!

What is Allyship?

Check out Kayd Miller's slides on what allyship means and how to practice allyship at the Lab. 

Putting the ‘All' in Allyship

Any questions?

Reach out to us. We'd love to help!